Sunday, April 29, 2007

Copyright Gripes

One of my many functions in the art world is as a copyright consultant and as a copyright consultant there are some things that I would like to clear up in regards to visual art and copyright that apply to anyone who has anything at all to do with art.

1. Owning an artwork does not give you ownership of copyright.
2. Copyright stays with the artist unless they have legally signed it over to someone else (or copyright has expired)
3. Permission is required to reproduce an image of an artists work in almost every situation such as on the internet, in magazines, in newspapers, on posters etc.
4. Many artists are members of copyright collection agency's who should be contacted as a first port of call if you would like to reproduce a work (eg.
5. Fees are payable to the artist if reproductions of an image of their artwork is used
6. Artists have the right to:
• be attributed as creator of your works;
• take action if your work is falsely attributed; and
• take action if your work is distorted or treated in a way that is prejudicial to your honour or reputation

More info on copyright here:

Copyright is a very serious issue within the visual arts and is one that everyone involved should take responsibility for. After all, why should someone else profit from an artists image without the artist receiving some sort of compensation. Artists are not charities and struggle enough as it is so do the art world a favour and be aware of your copyright responsibilities and adhere to the copyright laws.

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